Here is a Red White and Blue78 Chevy Vega with a 355 small block torquer 2 intake moroso oil pan edelbrock valve covers
Holley 750 double pumper crane cam n50's 3.73 gears muncie transmision and a verticle gate shifter.
68 NovaII Full cage Fiberglass buckets seats 5 point harness sun super tachometer and guages. No interior
panels head liner or carpet. No Speedometer. Alternator cut-out and starter switch.
4:11 12 Bolt Positrac Turbo 400 B&M Shifter manual automatic valve body
Pearl White tinted windows whale tail. Sonic turbo exhaust 10" Rear 4" Front polished Centerline Racing rims
40/60 and 90/10 shocks Bolt to spring traction bars. 70LT1 350 202heads ported and polished pink rods steel crank.
9.1 Compression forged pistons. Vette Dual point Distributor. 750 Double pumper Holley Saturday Night Special Carb.
Gary Dyers 4-71 Street Supercharger. Crower Cam 296 duration .525Lift Lope at 1100-1300rpm idle. Milodon Valve
Covers K&N Stub Stack And Velocity Stack With K&N Filter. Hivolume oil system Moroso Pan.
77 Firebird Formula 400 67 GTO Ram Air Heads TRW forged Pistons Crane Cam Rhoads Lifters Eagle Headers M/T Valve Covers Moroso
Air Cleaner MR Gasket HEI Cover Msd power module Accel Supercoil Clevite Bearings
PAW Stage 1 Connecting rods Chrome Moly Pushrods Fel-Pro Gaskets,Turbo 350 tranny w/TCI Shift kit Vega Stall Converter,
3:08 Gears 10Bolt Positrac, Rear Window Louvers, Sun Super Tachometer, Grant GT Steering Wheel, Mr Gasket Vmatic Shifter.
Electric Windows, Grundig Stereo and amp With Pioneer Speakers, Dark Blue Diamond Tuck Velour interior, Front 8" Centerlines
10" Rear Centerlines Chrome Traction Bars.
1979 Datsun 280ZX Custom Paint Velour interior Sony Pioneer Sound System Shelby Style Rims Rear Window