Was recuperating. after 20hrs without sleep subjected to anesthesia and bronchoscopy could have weakened to cardiac arrest. Results were not obtained by
the time we were run out of the hospital. Its all about running up the bill with uneccessary tests etc lies told to patients and family and patient endangerment.
Dr. David Demetry (Kevorkian) lied to my father thought he was going to get better treatment. They ran us and him out of Farmington regional hospital
last Monday night where my father was sitting in a chair on his own breathing through nasal oxygen like we have at home His lungs were working OK on oxygen his
heart was healthier than when we brought him to the emergency room the week before. My father told me the Doctors don't listen to me. He felt compelled to
trust them in whatever they said for fear they would do something bad to him. Using pulmonary FIBrosis as an excuse for need of urgent treatment
he signed papers to be flown out of the hospital. I argued the Pnuemonia was the 1st and only threat to his life and he was getting better he needed to stay
a few more days with oxygen food and rest not be moved due to trauma it could cause. Was told the Pneumonia under CONtrol tempurature normal. BS he was exhausted from being moved from
floor to floor and nurse to nurse. This day the nurses were particularly nasty with me and using embedded statements such as leave and other get out epitaphs.
My father even picked up on it as his last statement was Crying like I've never seen before " I don't want to Leave". After 10.5hrs I shook his hand. Dr Demetry
told me mother not their what was the plan trying to shock and traumatize me and get me to leave earlier that afternoon. My father was drugged and is being drugged
at Lovelace Medical shoved a tube down his throat for breathing no food or talking. Now they are going to PULL him. Murder my father. I could not go on the plane with him to Albuquerque
my health not good my mother exhausted. Next afternoon mother and aunt drove to relatives in ABQ and hospital. I was put on hold phone walked away from could not speak to my father.
Since I have heard 7 DIFFERENT stories from 7 different people about what went on and why they do not match some kind of coverup is going on.
He is being murdered by tranquilizers and antibiotics and some people telling lies to make us feel better when they PULL him. They promised therapy and treatment he even took his credit
card and expected to return home not drugged and have a tube shoved in his throat which cannot be used with home oxygen. I'm tired of the lies and excuses for MURDER.
And to the Gay Nurses threatening will get you and Doctor gloating we Four you at Farmington Regional Hospital in Farmington NM I'll get all of you.
As for Apria health care here is your performance survey based on my fathers statments " They were more concerned with getting their money than anything else" They said they would take
my oxygen away if I did not give them a credit card. CT scan with Dye to check for embolism none found blood clot on thinners running up the bill
if cannot ever come home. Tranquilized so no one can communicate He realized what they did and were going to do to him. MEDVAC Nurse We do this every day what Lie and murder people?
Pictures of missed IV veins and traumatic bruises on wrists etc. MURDER is MURDER not healthcare.
The one day my mother and I decided to stay home to catch up on work at the Farm a friend of ours Rod decided he would visit dad and read some stories to dad he could wear
his glasses due to the CPAP mask they had him on. Next day in the ICU I asked dad if they cleaned up his IV inserts as they were leaking blood for 2-3 days. and I noticed his arms looked cleaner.
He showed me a bruised subdural hematoma on his left wrist forarms in the wristwatch area and told me that young kid did this to me yesterday with an IV insert. IV is four in roman numerals
but this in reality is medical negligence and abuse. He said he couldn't remeber a word Rod said or read but was glad he came by to visit as he rested.
David Demetry's attitude on the 23 Sept was we cannot keep him in this hospital and urgent agenda to get rid of my father and us. Seemed like the movie ARGO F_ck Him put him on a plane.
I question the soundness of my fathers mind to enter into a legal contract that permission should have to have been obtained from me or my mother which I wouldn't allow.
He needed food rest and oxygen at that time his heart lungs and Oxygen levels were functioning better than when we brought him to the Emergency Room for Pneumonia on bottled oxygen.
Obamacare makes you pay. I can't see going to a hospital expecting to get health care and being harrassed (4ed)tortured and executed.
From last week
He was a live awake and now they are going to put him to sleep the BIG SLEEP that was and is the plan. Teams are organized crime.
My mom called the other day Her Cell phone was being blocked or interfered by Verizon. Message read
COMA signal not available.
Obituary for my father
For download
Right click and download my father in hospital saying hi and goodbye to Dog Bart and cats he knew what they were going to
do to him.
My Father at graduation from Bayfield High School
My Father making us laugh:
They gave him Fluoroquinilone antibiotics until his eyes and nose bled had a cerebral hemmorage now he's dead. My father
murdered by self professed judges like in the movie DREDD. Who in the fuck were they to force him out of the hospital
that day instead of letting him recuperate like I suggested. Doctors killed my father his lungs and heart were functioning
better than before we took him to the ER he could have lived at home on nasal oxygen. He new they were wrong about his
lungs trusted them to get better treatment they drugged him forced him on a ventilator and killed him with antibiotics.
Saturday Night I was blocked from email submitting my fathers obituary to the Durango Herald Newspaper.
My father was a Type 2 Diabetic San Juan Regional was injecting him with insulin supposed to counter the effects
of the cortico steroids between that and the moxifloxacin and levafloxacin well...
Was not treated for Pneumonia at Mercy Regional Hospital Negligence
Was forced out of San Juan Regional Hospital transfer the Day his BP transfer check was deposited.
This transfer killed him. Then he was burned for real. Creamated.
Murdered my father ripping off my mother and harrassing me to death.
Fuck the liars crooks and criminals in this country.
This unregulated air polluting piece of crap is killing all of us the trees the animals southern colorado
and ALL the Indians on the reservation don't beleive me? scale to the top of Mount Neebo see for yourself
the air pollution is Mexico City Los Angeles Bad the worst of it is in the fallout bubble Near Fruitland and
Shiprock. The chimney sweep emmissions converters must have completely burned out 4yrs ago pollution wasn't this bad. Now the drought and pollution killing everything
except the need for corrupt liars and crooks to line their pockets.
Wrongful Death, Negligence, Malpractice, Murder Demetry wouldn't state for the record that his tempurature was down to 98.6 degF. But it was his lungs and the agenda he had to leave. His Lungs and Heart were healing. Medical Murder.
Lovlace Employee still elevated tempurature and White Blood Cell count. The transfer could have killed him.
Up to 2 months to heal from Pneumonia San Juan Regional treated somewhat for 7 days then forced him to leave resulting in his death.
? Mycobacteria? No one would state the results of test and lab culture for bacteria viri or fungal like they perform the test and CT scans as opportunity to run up the bill.
Ft Bayard I was charged for medicine not received and given combination of drugs that can cause brain damage.
Jack Finger same thing happened according to Mary Finger.
Father Had to have 2 hernia operations they didn't fix it right the 1st time.
Fathers knee operation irregular knee replacement slightly attached wrong subdural hematoma 90% oflegs.
Father Botched the anesthetic during his vasectomy.
Jim Botched anesthesia during his vasectomy.
I had to have 30 instead of 15 shots in neck and head during ear cancer surgery for Basal Cell Carcinoma. Lots of stress prior then plastic surgery.
Dennis Greenmans Heart attack had to sell apartments to pay for.
This isn't health care its a way to rob people of savings.
Fuck all you criminal lying acting vultures and anyone that facilitates perpetuates this criminal crap.
Should Doctors be able to refuse continued treatment and force them out of a Hospital after 7 days when not crowded nor was it
a medical necessity in essence murdering someone that would have recovered?
Do doctors get kickbacks from the gov't for killing patients to reduce the governments Social Security and
Medicare costs? hmmm... conflict of interest because they do get kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs
from the drug companies. What about rigging diagnoses so that insurance companies do not have to pay out on
life insurance or cancer insurance policies thus making those policies hollow extortion? Ever wonder why
malpractice insurance is so high.
Healthcare don't get sick.